different types of art paper

Whether you’re drawing, painting, sketching, doodling, or collaging, paper is one of the most essential supplies required to start any creative endeavour. As much as other supplies, the surface on which you draw has an impact on your artistic accomplishment. However, picking the right paper pad for the job can sometimes be overwhelming especially when

charcoal pens on the table

There’s no denying the liberating and creative power that drawing has on your artistry. It’s a process that involves manipulating shapes, forms and other elements to bring an idea or vision to life, with custom detailing and signature strokes that are all your own. The freedom of expression this brings is a terrific outlet for

pottery kiln

One thing all ceramic artists have in common is that if they want their work to last, they must fire it in a ceramic kiln. Sure, many contemporary potters create raw clay sculptures specifically to let them erode to explore concepts of permanence and fragility, but that is the exception rather than the rule. The

A Cut Above the Rest: How to Choose a Unique Cutting Board Gift

Should I go for some nice wine glasses? Or perhaps a set of porcelain dishes or a gift card? What should I give my friend? These are questions that plague our minds whenever we need to surprise someone with a present. If this is a dear friend of ours, we don’t want to just give

Kids love to play and experiment with different looks, and face painting provides endless opportunities for them to express themselves. Whether it’s for a special event or just a part of their playtime, children love using these paints to explore their artistic side and have fun with friends. However, as a parent, it’s important to consider

6 Best Personalised Gifts for the Special Person in Your Life

The thrill of having your name engraved on a special item is not limited to 7-year-olds getting miniature license plates – everyone feels special when they open a gift that was made just for them.

marker art

There is a great deal of interplay between the seven basic components of art, which are line, colour, shape, form, value, space, and texture. All forms of visual art involve these factors being considered. Having a firm grasp of these seven visual aspects will make it much simpler to make your own works of art.

Scrapbooking Project

Do you enjoy crafting and expressing your artistic side? Perhaps you are contemplating producing and offering for sale your own homemade decorations. Certainly, this is a wonderful way to relax, and creative activity is excellent for mental health. Consider, though, that your DIY decorating skills could be a source of income, either as a full-time

To make good art, artists have a set of tools that they can use. One of those tools is a drawing board. Even though many think they are not necessary, these tools are quite important to achieve precision and also get a better final result.  And what’s more, drawing or drafting tables aren’t just used

Creativity is the use of one’s imagination and ideas to create something valuable, such as a physical invention, a work of art, or a solution to a problem. Creativity can play a critical role in human development and success throughout one’s education, life, and working career.  In fact, it can grow and expand with time,