How Healthy Lactation Cookies Can Boost Your Breast Milk Supply?
It’s no secret that breast milk is the ideal nutrition for infants. It contains the perfect mix of vitamins, proteins and fat, which is everything your baby needs to grow strong and healthy. Furthermore, all these good things are provided in a form that’s more easily digested than infant formula.
As a new mum, you may be concerned that your milk supply isn’t enough. In fact, if you are not feeding your little one often enough (for a variety of reasons), your milk supply may indeed temporarily diminish. Generally, the more you nurse, the more milk you produce. But sometimes, even if you’re breastfeeding your baby regularly, your milk supply might be still low. Many women claim that a special cookie can work wonders for solving this issue – the healthy lactation cookie.
Otherwise known as breastfeeding cookies, healthy lactation cookies are considered an easy way to boost, maintain and nourish your milk supply. How a cookie can influence lactation, you may ask? The power of lactation cookies lays in certain ingredients they contain called galactagogues, which are known to increase milk supply. These ingredients include brewers yeast, oats, flax seeds, fenugreek, among others. When combined with other methods, such as staying hydrating and sticking to a healthy diet, healthy lactation cookies can provide a significant increase in milk production.

Brewers Yeast
This is a traditional ingredient used for generations to stimulate and increase the production of breast milk. It is one of the best natural sources of B vitamins, which are essential to the overall health of a nursing mum. Brewers yeast also contains protein, iron, chromium, selenium and other trace minerals. It is also known to help combat fatigue and fight off the baby blues. So, even if you don’t notice an increase in milk supply, the boost in energy and increased sugar metabolism that comes from brewer’s yeast consumption makes it worth including it in lactation cookies.
In addition to providing an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids necessary for brain development, flaxseed also contains phytoestrogens, which is a plant-based compound that mildly mimics estrogen. This ingredient is also a good source of fibre, which is also import for nursing mums.
Oats have long been recommended as a food for mums to boost their milk supply. More than a nutritional powerhouse that provides plenty of whole grains, fibre, iron and an abundance of healthy vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for nursing moms, oats also help lower cholesterol and maintain healthy blood pressure.
This is a popular herb that has been used for centuries to increase breast milk. It contains phytoestrogens, which is similar to estrogen. It tends to have effect 24 to 72 hours after ingesting. Fenugreek is also known to reduce blood glucose level and can cause uterine stimulation.
There is a lot of evidence that supports the effects of lactation cookies and galactagogues. A great percentage of mothers who ate breastfeeding biscuits reported an increase in milk supply. Some mums have noticed a significant increase in their milk within a few days of eating, while others in just a few weeks. It is important to understand that lactation cookies are still cookies, so eating too many of them is not a healthy choice. Limit your intake to 10 – 12 cookies per day. Also, remember to check the ingredients to ensure that the ones you’ve chosen contain the needed ingredients that will help your milk supply. Otherwise, the cookie might be more of a calorie trap than a milk booster.

When to Start Using Lactation Cookies?
As you have your baby, your milk supply should start increasing. Keep in mind that proper hydration, nutrition and relaxation always help in maintaining a strong milk supply. It is a good idea to get some lactation cookies in advance so that you have them with you as soon as hunger or low energy kick in. Some women even take their cookies to the hospital for a quick nourishing snack after they have their little one to help them regain their strength and energy as well as give their milk supply a boost.
What Other Foods Breastfeeding Mums Should be Eating?
As a breastfeeding mama, it is important that you eat a variety of foods to make sure you get enough nutrients for you and your baby. Experts suggest eating dark leafy greens, nuts. fish, avocado, bananas, egg, sweet potatoes, among other foods to help with their vitamin and mineral intake. Incorporating foods like lentils, squash and corn in the diet will also help nursing mums get enough methyl folate. Eating foods high in protein, healthy carbohydrates and iron will keep mums full and energized.
If you are experiencing a true low milk supply, consider getting professional lactation assistance to help you find the source of the problem and solve it. Depending on your case, the lactation consultant will prescribe the right supplements to help boost your milk supply.