How to Refill Your E Cig With E Liquid Juice
E cigarettes have become a trendy approach to traditional smoking that they even look like the real thing! But what makes the difference is that e cigarettes contain an e liquid juice inside that gets vaporized by a heating element once the e cig is turned on.
Studies have found that e cigs are 95% less harmful than tobacco ones. This is mainly due to the fact that the majority of the chemicals that result in smoking-related diseases are not present in the electronic version. All e cigs are basically composed of the same elements; they feature a battery, a heating element, and a cartridge that holds the e-liquid juice. Extra features and cost can vary. Some are disposable, while others come with a rechargeable battery and refillable cartridges.
Choosing an e cig with a refillable cartridge can be a great deal since buying e liquid juice is much cheaper than buying replacements every time. Electronic juices can be used in any e cig and are available in a wide range of flavours.
When it comes to the technique of refilling your e cig with e liquid juice, there are two methods:
The Drip Method
Most e liquids come with a dripping nozzle that can be slowly squeezed to withdraw the liquid. Just open up the cartridges (take out any polyester filling) and cautiously squeeze drops directly. Make sure you put only as much as to the appropriate level, close it up and allow it to soak in for a few minutes. Gently open it up again to check how much of the e liquid has been absorbed; you may want to top it up a little again, just be careful not to overflow. Once you are done, close the cartridge again and enjoy your vaping.
The Syringe Method
This might be the best method for refilling some e-cigarette models such as those which are a little more fiddly. Moreover, the syringe method is a good way to avoid damaging the atomizer with absolutely no waste. Load the syringe with some e liquid, remove the cap from the cartridge and insert the needle right into the middle. Gently press the syringe to load up the e liquid nice and level. Replace the cap and return any left liquid to the bottle. To prevent flavours contamination, wash the syringe with warm water and allow it to dry.
Here is an instructional video on how to refill different types of cartridges: