Opening Up a Pastry Shop: Hygiene is Part of Your Job Too
The dream of becoming your own boss by opening up your own pastry shop requires a great deal of courage, and of course, planning. The beginning is always the hardest, sure, but you can’t expect it to get any easier unless you have a strategy of your own to guide you through, primarily finding out all the licences, certifications, and permits you need to make your dream come true.
Starting off the right way means choosing the proper location, as much as it does investing in the proper equipment. From the right type and size of oven, freezer, and refrigeration, to the mixers, dough proofers, bakeware, smallwares, display cases, and additional machines like coffee and ice cream makers – it’s all part of the investment. Then again, so is cleanliness as hygiene is part of the job too, which is why you can’t overlook commercial kitchen, and commercial toilet cleaning products as well as.
Having customers stay over, eating and drinking at your shop is bound to bring further success, but this also means you’d get more cleaning to do. Some of the basics when equipping yourself with commercial kitchen and commercial toilet cleaning products are dishwashing liquids, grease removers, heavy duty detergents, and toilet bowl and seat cleaner, along with the much-needed buckets, sponges, and mops.
Just think about it – pastry chefs are known for their cleanliness, as they are notable for the white clothing. If you want to be a true example, keep your customers coming, and attract more at that, maintain hygiene at your shop, making it a daily chore to clean the work area, and the toilet. Wanting to avoid food contamination, it’s more than a necessity to make the food areas spotless, so that no pests or microorganisms would thrive.
This includes the machinery same as it does the wrapping and cooling of food. Make it your habit to always inspect every bit of the food area of your shop. This way you ensure your customers don’t get food poisoning, and you never end up with a fine by the health department inspection. It’s needless to say reputation once stained is difficult to be regained.
If even only once your shop gets known as the place lacking cleanliness, you can be sure closing it up would be the outcome as customers won’t be getting back; to make matters worse, they’d spread word around to customers-to-be too, however you can learn the lesson in advance by maintaining hygiene every day to avoid that sort of unfortunate outcome altogether.