The Many Different Types and Uses of Baby Blankets
It’s not an overstatement to say that baby blankets are adorable. Being part of almost every baby registry list, they also make a lovely baby gift. The many different types and materials of coverings for babies can make it difficult for parents to choose the best one for their tiny tot. Additionally, they all serve various purposes beyond layering for warmth and sleep, which can confuse you even more.
We’ve created a simple guide to help you choose the right baby blanket for your needs. It has everything you need to know about baby blankets, from the different shapes and fabrics used to the most creative ways of use.
Baby Blanket Types and Uses
There are three main types of baby blankets you can buy.
1. Receiving Blanket
What Is It?
The receiving blanket is the most versatile and multifunctional of all infant blankets. It’s simple and lightweight, usually sizing 1x1m and larger. Due to its larger size, this type of baby blanket has a variety of conventional and out-of-box uses.
What Can You Use It for?
For Sleep

Every parent should know and stick to the safe sleep guidelines. These include always placing your baby on their back, on a firm surface, preferably in a crib. You should also keep the crib free of objects, including bedding. This means the perfect pictured cribs we often see in baby magazines stuffed with lots of pillows and blankets aren’t the safest sleep environment.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), it’s not safe for babies younger than 12 months to sleep with loose blankets. Why? It increases the likelihood of accidental suffocation and increases the risk of the most common cause of infant death: SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). This doesn’t refer to swaddling, which is snuggly wrapping a baby in a blanket, leaving only their head exposed.
This doesn’t mean you should get rid of all the blankets you already have or that you shouldn’t buy any at all. You can use light muslin receiving blanket to swaddle your baby or introduce it to them as a comforter as soon as they turn 18 months old. It’s very useful to have several baby blankets at hand, as they can be used for many different things beyond sleep.
For Burping
Burping your baby after feeding is an important practice that will help them eliminate excess air and prevent colics and gasses. Burping cloths are usually small in size and don’t cover a large space. This means there’s a bigger chance for your clothes to catch more of those burp spit-ups than the burp cloths. Since they’re larger, baby blankets cover the space you need for burping your bub. Since they provide more protection, you don’t have to bother to position them right.
For Breastfeeding
When the baby wants to eat, the baby must eat. And they don’t choose where they are. Although you shouldn’t be ashamed of breastfeeding in public uncovered, many mums feel more comfortable when they cover themselves. If this is you, you probably have a special breastfeeding cover. However, a baby blanket can be a great alternative if you’ve forgotten to take it with you, or in case of an unplanned feeding session.
For Covering the Changing Table
Baby blankets make great changing table additions for several reasons. First, they’re easy to throw right away in the wash after each use. Second, they’re soft and comfortable, which can make the whole changing experience better and more convenient. Changing tables, especially those in public places, can be very hard and uncomfortable. Putting an extra layer like a blanket beneath your baby won’t upset your little one and can make for a faster diaper change. Finally, there won’t be a changing table anywhere you go, and portable pads can be heavy and inconvenient. This call for a baby blanket to the rescue. You can change your tot on any surface without subjecting it to the germs of a dirty changing area.
As Play Mats
Floor time is essential for a baby’s growth. Putting your baby on a play mat on the floor gives them the freedom to move, crawl and play. And even fall asleep. If you don’t have a play mat, a receiving baby blanket can be its perfect alternative. Especially the thick plush ones create a high-quality breathable yet soft layer to protect your baby from the floor.
For Shade
When you’re out in the sun, and your baby falls asleep in the stroller, you may need extra fabric to provide an additional sun shade. A light and breathable blanket will do the work. Just make sure not to cover the stroller completely, as it may lead to overheating.
2. Swaddle Blanket

What Is It?
Swaddle blankets are different from receiving blankets in size and sometimes shape. They often come with attachments that make it swaddling a baby easier. Some swaddling blankets offer an option to be wrapped around the baby’s top half while the bottom can be undone for diaper changes.
What Can You Use It for?
Now that you know you can’t let your baby sleep with a loose blanket, you’re probably wondering – how can I keep my baby warm without a blanket? As we mentioned earlier, swaddling them is one option. The swaddle blanket is the one generally used for swaddling. Such blankets not only keep your baby warm but also make them comfortable. Newborns and infants love being wrapped up, as it gives them a sense of security. When your baby gets cranky or over-excited, securely wrapping them up in a swaddle blanket can be a soothing experience.
3. Security Blanket
What Is It?

A security blanket is a small blanket made of soft plush or fleece. They sometimes come with a stuffed animal attached to them. Since this is a blanket that children hold on through their lives as a childhood memory, it’s a good idea to make it personalised to make it even more special.
What Can You Use It for?
Babies love security blankets, finding them very soothing. The lovey and the texture often provide the perfect sensory experience to calm them down. That’s why many babies stick to their blankets far longer than the toddler phase. Some children grow them over at school age. As security blankets should survive many washes and various difficulties, you need to look for durability when buying one.