Why You Should Give Thumbs Up to Fishing
Everyone has a different way of connecting with their deepest self. For many people meditation works pretty fine, for others running or practicing some other sport and of course for some it’s cooking and reading. However, if you haven’t heard, for a lot of people fishing is the perfect relaxing therapy. Connecting with nature is always the best mind therapy a person can imagine and fishing is not an exception. People have said that the mere thought of looking at the water is giving them a calm feeling that never gets old no matter how many hours they spend fishing. Fishing is not a very mentally challenging activity since it mostly relies on the person’s skills, so in the meantime the brain gets to take a little rest and power up for the rest of the day.
The natural environment will help you relieve the stress level while you patiently wait for your catch in the fresh air. Fishing is actually the perfect vacation for your brain and it boosts your mental health in a number of ways. A lot of institutions choose fishing to treat the post-traumatic stress and other illnesses such as depression. Also, when you’re outside in a fresh air area and you feel the gentle sun rays, your body absorbs vitamin D and this keeps your bones and teeth nice and healthy. Maybe it’s not always a good day for swimming, but any day is a great day for fishing.
Fishing is not a very equipment-dependent kind of sport. I mean yes, you need some essential fishing gear, but if you’re planning to fish just for fun, there’s no need to spend a lot of money on it. Besides the fishing rod and the fishing reel, the most important thing to buy are the braided lines that will contribute your overall fishing experience. Without quality braided lines, catching a fish will be equal to impossible. All the other accessories are not that important if you’re in just for the sake of relaxation and the love of outdoors.
There are many studies that show that spending time outside is very beneficial and it especially helps you boost your mood. Plus, the final result of it all is also excellent for your health: fish. The meat of the fish is a great source of omega 3 which decreases blood pressure and lowers the risk of stroke and heart failure. It is also known that fish improves the brain function in children and reduces irregular heartbeats.
So, with fishing you get the best of both (mental and corporal) worlds: you give your brain a decent vacation and you provide your body with vitamins and other healthy acids to boost your immune system that will make you stay happy and healthy. Next time you feel a bit under the weather and you need some fresh air and meditation in nature, give fishing a try. People who are fishing for years say it’s the best alternative to meditation and they are not far from the truth. It’s an experience that will heal you mentally and physically and as an addition, it will make you closer to your fishing buddy. Don’t leave your curiosity for tomorrow, if you’re in the mood of a little escape, grab a fishing rod and braided lines and go to the nearest port where fishing is legal, because don’t forget, you can’t fish anywhere. First get informed and then work on becoming the next cool angler in the gang.