Generators: Power Up When the Power Is Down
While there may be something romantic about being caught in a storm (cuddling by soft candlelight), when power outage transforms a modern way of living into a primitive one, staying safe and comfortable becomes a big concern.
Surviving without Internet access and phone service is doable, however, when loss of electricity puts food, heating or cooling system in jeopardy, having a backup generator will not only help prevent damage to your home but will also help you make it through. You can cook, watch TV, charge your cell phone…simply put, you’ll be able to live in fairly good comfort until the power is back on. If you have the right type and size of generator that is.
Randomly choosing a generator is a big no-no. You need to know your power priorities to ensure you pick the right one. But first things first, what is a generator?
A generator is a device that creates electrical power by converting motive power. Most common sources of mechanical energy include internal combustion engines (that use diesel and petrol), gas turbines, water turbines and much more. The generator is a device that every homeowner should have as a backup.
Petrol or Diesel
Deciding between a diesel and a petrol generators for sale can be tricky because choosing the wrong type may affect the overall upkeep of the generator, which could create additional expenses. Diesel generators are a great choice if you need to make use of the generator for a prolonged period of time and if you want more than 10kVa. On the other hand, if you are looking for a generator that creates power under 10kVa and you don’t expect to use it too often, you should opt for petrol generators for sale. Diesel engines require less maintenance, but they are more expensive. Petrol engines are good alternatives for camping and supplying a home with electricity during a shorter period of time.
The main selling point of every retailer when it comes to generators is the wattage. How much wattage you’ll need solely depends on how many appliances you usually have running simultaneously and at with what intensity. Calculating the required wattage cannot be done by you yourself, unless you are an electrician. For that reason, ask the retailer to help you calculate it in accordance with your specific needs. After this part, you can easily pick the right generator you need.
Purchasing a generator will render electricity outages powerless in a completely different sense of the word and your activities won’t be uninterrupted. It’s a convenience that costs very little and provides a lot.