How To Feng Shui Your Bed
Your bedroom is your sanctuary; making it cozy and keeping it super organized is the key to superior comfort. But there is more to creating perfect harmony in your bedroom than just keeping it clean. Did you know that the way you arrange your bedroom furniture and more importantly, the bed you sleep in, can significantly affect how well you sleep?
Have you heard of Feng Shui? You must have. People pay for Feng Shui consultations in order to get a professional opinion and advice on how to choose the best Feng Shui bed and create perfect harmony that will ensure superior relaxation and inner peace. But you do not have to look for a Feng Shui consultant; here I’ll point out the most important factors you need to consider in order to get a Feng Shui bed.
Let the air and chi circulate in the bedroom
Your future bed, no matter if a king or a queen size bed, ought to have firm legs on each corner to elevate the bed above the floor. This is how you will allow both air and chi circulate beneath the bed, while also letting the healing nature of rest to reign with the entire room. Although it seems unbelievable, letting the chi freely circulate under the bed has a huge impact on dealing with fertility and other health issues. Hence, once you decide on the bed model, make sure there are no items under it and that it is properly positioned, so that the powerful chi can freely flow around both sides and do miracles.
‘Bigger’ does not mean ‘Better’
While choosing a Feng Shui bed, a queen size bed makes the perfect option. Why? A king size bed leaves no room for upgrading, which additionally restricts the free space in the bedroom. On the other side, a queen size bed is a great alternative, because it allows you to upgrade it with a beautiful queen size bed frame that will visually make the bed look much bigger than it actually is. When buying a queen size bed, you can also look for a queen size bed frame for sale, as an additional feature. A queen size bed frame for sale is a smart way to get a quality bed frame at easy-on-the-pocket prices.
‘Higher Price’ does not mean ‘Better Feng Shui’
You must have already heard that quality does not necessarily come with a heavy price tag. The same ‘unwritten’ rule applies to the selection of a good Feng Shui bed. You do not have to spend staggering $20,000 on a bed just to ensure a functional Feng Shui. Instead, choose a bed that feels cozy and comfortable to you. After all, your ultimate goal is to ensure a good night’s sleep and a fresh start of the day, right?