Panic Button Off: Being Smart About IT Repairs
There are a few scenarios that can happen and actually turn my panic siren on as loud as possible: an earthquake, winning the lottery (a positive stress also causes me to panic) and when my extremely expensive MacBook (for which I literally starved for months to buy) gets its monitor cracked because an idiot in the bus this morning thought that getting out just a few seconds later would change something in his day.
There’s this famous photo circulating social media channels that ridicules people with an iPhone 7. It’s like, if they fall and hear a cracking sound, they pray to God that it’s the sound of a bone breaking. That’s exactly how I felt this morning, rushing to get to work; the cracking sound kind of blocked my mind and I was praying it’s everything but the MacBook. Unfortunately for me.
Normally, the panic rushed through my body quickly, but since I reached my destination fast, I got out of the bus and started the “breath-in, breath-out” technique to keep it together. After managing to get to the office, I told a colleague what happened and he immediately called help. A guy from an IT company offering IT repairs came and took my baby. Hope didn’t abandon me after all.
This event got me thinking; how could one manage to keep their head together in a situation like this one when this computer probably costs hundreds of dollars? Plus, this is a MacBook laptop, and as such, it has a special service centre provided by Apple, which doesn’t necessarily have to mean it’s close to you. Moreover, what if all of your work is on your laptop? How would you be able to function? All these questions made me nervous, so I decided to do a little research and find out how to keep it together and play it smart in such horror scenarios.
Look For Help on the Phone
After the “incident”, my colleague gave me a number which I could call if something goes wrong with my laptop in future. It’s from a company that specializes in IT repairs of all kinds: monitor repairs, system repairs from viruses and destructive programs, data recovery and most importantly, they provide services for Apple laptops, which is great. It’s good to have a number from a company of the kind and establish a solid relationship with the service providers, especially if you’re often exposed to potential damages.
Look For a Solution on the Internet, Just Don’t Panic
If you have more in-depth knowledge in some minor computer repairs, then look for a solution to your problem online. Maybe you’ll be able to find some information that will help you. If not, the least you’ll learn is what exactly you should do next. It’s important to know what happened to your laptop and how to prevent it from happening again, which is why information is key.
Whoever Fixes your Laptop, Needs to be Very Trustworthy
This is your personal computer we’re talking about, which means it contains confidential work, data, photos, videos and what not. Whoever fixes your PC might come across something you don’t want it to be seen. However, some things are inevitable so the least you could do is ask for the highest level of discretion. Be sure to ask about this issue before you hand your laptop or computer for repairing.