Today’s Best Male Pattern Baldness Treatment
Although hair loss is part of the aging process and it is not considered a harmful health condition, effects can be pretty overwhelming and almost unacceptable, especially for men. Medical reports show that alopecia areata is not a condition elderly men experience only; men in their twenties can start losing hair too. Hence the reason why male pattern baldness today represents every man’s biggest nightmare; the number one culprit for low self-esteem and self-confidence.
The advanced medicine has been constantly trying to come up with new solutions that will finally beat ‘alopecia areata’ once and for all; unfortunately, not many of the “revolutionary” hair-loss products and treatments have proved to be powerful enough to help men get their lost hair back. However, there are few alternatives that seem to offer more effective results when it comes to camouflaging and stopping hair loss. Here they are.
- Natural RemediesBelieve it or not, but there are natural remedies that can help in treating male pattern baldness. One of the most popular natural male pattern baldness treatment today is the mixture of mustard oil and henna leaves. After a continuous (daily) application of this blend to the scalp, the process of hair regrowth calls to action.
- MedicinesWhen it comes to medicines (over-the-counter drugs), here are the top two choices of men struggling with male pattern baldness.
Profollica – this is a safe drug that has recently cоme out to the market. It seems like men are satisfied with this new male pattern baldness treatment, as almost 90% of users are claiming to be happy with the results.
Finasteride- coming from ‘Merck’, a renowned pharmaceutical company, medical and scientific researchers have reported that ‘Finasteride’ is a drug that significantly promotes hair growth. ‘Finasteride’ has been officially approved by the Drug Administration. Thus, for almost a decade, this drug has remained to be one of men’s top choices in the battle against male pattern baldness.
- Cutting-Edge TreatmentsOne of the latest inventions of the contemporary aesthetic medicine is a revolutionary technique called ‘scalp micropigmentation‘. It is a male pattern baldness treatment performed in specialized clinics by highly-trained technicians and based on patients’ testimonials, this is the most ideal solution for every man who suffers from hair loss. Although this treatment has nothing to do with hair regrowth, men absolutely love it as it gives them an attractive appearance of a full head of hair. Scalp micropigmentation results are natural-looking and most important of all, permanent.