Basics to Serving Wine and Glassware
Understanding wine basics such as knowing how to pick the right wine glasses for a particular wine and pour without spilling, can tell a lot about a person’s character. Wine makes every meal an occasion and it instantly lifts the mood, thus it is always a good idea to know a little something about this divine drink.
We have compiled a list of some of the basics to serving wine and choosing the right glassware. Let’s learn something new, shall we?
Wine is a very specific drink because even serving it in different glasses can change its taste. Make sure to pick the right glassware to ensure that your preferred wine tastes the best it possibly can. The choices available on the market are endless, so which one to choose? Take a look at this cool chart to figure out what size and shape you need.
You probably have experienced how differently coffee, soda or tea taste at different temperatures. The same ideology applies to wine as well. Therefore, some of the more delicate floral aromatics in wine are slightly subdued at overly cool temperatures or burn off completely in case when the wine is too warm.
Red wine tastes best when is served slightly below room temperature from 12-20ºC
White wine is at its best at temperatures about 7-14ºC
Sparkling wine is best served at temperatures ranging between 3-7ºC
Wine Serving
A standard pour of wine is somewhere between 15-170ml. If you have been wondering what is the right way to pour wine in a glass, we got the answer: Rotate the bottom side of the bottle away from you as you deliberately start pouring. This move requires a little bit practice to perfect it, but look at the bright side – the more you practice, the more wine you have to drink. Perfectionism is not so bad after all, is it?
Holding the Wine Glass
Sometimes it can be a real challenge to hold your wine glass correctly, especially if it is full and you are supposed to walk and talk. The logical thing to do is to cup the bowl, but in this case your hands will heat up the wine, so the right way to do it is to hold the glass by the stem.
Now that you know some of the basics to serving wine and glassware, invite your friends over to show off your skills. It feels good to know these small but important details, doesn’t it? Enjoy!
Reference: www.crackawines.com.au
Images via: www.winefolly.com